2022-2023 Attendance Policy for Phillips Elementary School
Phillips Elementary School fully supports HERE!, Hampton’s Truancy Initiative. HERE! is a “systems of care” approach to increase school attendance and reduce truancy. Initiatives are targeted to support parents’ efforts regarding their child’s attendance and success in school. It involves a series of truancy-related programs and strategies coordinated and created through the collaboration of the Juvenile Court, Schools, Human Services, Police, Sheriff, Community Services Board, and other community partners.
Valuable instruction is missed when students are frequently absent or tardy to school. The Virginia Truancy Law states that parent notification must be made when a student has missed a total of five scheduled school days for the school year. Phillips’ staff and faculty members attempt to reach parents as soon as absences start occurring. Every absence or tardy must be documented in writing by the parent or guardian, even if you have called the school to report an absence or tardy. These notes are kept on file in the main office. Phillips contacts parents via phone calls, letters, school social worker referrals, and truancy officer referrals. Administrators also make home visits when needed. Please note: An administrator must approve prearranged absences (out of town trips, vacations, etc). Please contact Mrs. Jones, Assistant Principal via an email, letter, or phone call.
In addition, please remember that students must not be dropped off before 7:00AM and are expected to be in their classrooms by 7:30AM. It is preferable for students to enter their classrooms at 7:20AM each morning. Students who arrive to school at 7:30 or later are considered tardy, and an adult must sign them in at the Main Office or the staff member on tardy duty at the entrances to both sides of the building. Please contact Ms. Hinshaw, Assistant Principal, if you have concerns regarding your child’s attendance. Ms. Hinshaw can be reached via email at mhinshaw@hampton.k12.va.us or by calling 757-850-5609.
(Please refer to the HCS Attendance Policy in the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.)